Have enjoyed a few fun and exciting crafty events this past month. Which is a little unusual as I’ve been suffering from a Time for Craft drought for a while now :)
The Road Trip:: On Sunday of October long weekend Wendy and Becca, my best crafty friends, took me on a road trip for my birthday to Berry on the NSW south coast. It was one of the best days I’d shared with them in a long time.
Becca & Me (with Sew & Tell way in the background)
It was cold and rainy: perfect pie eating weather (luckily Berry is renowned for it’s pies) and a great excuse to spend over two hours (yes that’s right two hours) in Sew and Tell: one of the best craft shops around. We looked at everything which is so unusual as the men are almost always pacing the front of the store or the Little Ones touching everything – we took full advantage of this rare Girls Only day! We managed to gather a whole load of inspiration and spend a small fortune each. So worth it!
I bought this gorgeous project book Gift by Rosalie Quinlan. And plan to make Miss K a whole bunch of the Matryoshka Angels.
And this gorgeous fabric by Kaffe Fasset and Amy Butler with plans to make Bubbles from the inspirational book Kalidescope by Melly and Me (which Becca bought) again, for Miss K.
We all had sooo much fun and made plans on the way home to visit Berry again as we missed a few shops! I forgot to mention that Becca also started our day off by presenting us with Road Trip survival packs filled with such essential items as: a road map, rope in case we fall over a cliff, super glue in case MacGyver isn’t around, a lollypop and the all important note pad for making a list of crafty purchases we planned for the day. They were so gorgeous and so Becca!!
Thanks Girls – love you both xxxx
The Scrapbook Workshop:: Last weekend I hosted a Kazzaz Scrapbook workshop at my house. I was joined by my Mum & Sisters. It was a quick 2hr class with two of us doing My Girl and the other two doing My Boy pages. It was a basic double layout with the main technique used being stamping. We had a great afternoon and I think we may have Mum hooked. She only came to make the tea and coffees!

The (un)Necessary Wool Purchase:: I was shopping with G and the Kids a few weeks ago in High Street when we walked past a store selling wool for 50c a ball. I know, how could I possibly keep walking and not buy at least 6 balls right?? Of course G was giving me the What-are-you-buying-those-for-you-have-enough-wool look, which I promptly ignored! And in a crazy case of the Wanties I went back the next day and bought another 6. OK I can hear you saying that IS crazy, but I was in the same shop this week and it’s all gone. Gone I tell you. Unfortunately when you buy on impulse you have to buy too much in case you don’t use them for another few years. There’s nothing worse then running out of supplies and not being able to get exactly what you need as it’s no longer available. I know you know what I mean :)
So here’s an idea of what I might create with these colourful beauties:
Or not...hmmm…what do you think?? Any ideas are welcome.
Attic24:: Ok this is it the last thing for today I promise. But I just had to share. Recently I came across this blog: Attic24 hosted by Lucy. I am completely hooked!! As poor Becca and Wendy know I have been in awe of this wonderful lady with her colourful crocheting and delicious baking. And much baking has been taking place at No.10 this month (sadly not always to G’s approval – he likes the plainer things in life when it comes to cake). The Kids are really enjoying it though as is Mum & Dad and the security guards at work (they make great test dummies)! I can highly recommend Lucy’s Carrot cake and the Lemon Drizzle cake – both sooo yummy. The other thing about Lucy’s blog that has really drawn me back is the love she has for her family and home. She’s a very inspiring women and has managed to help me get back into the craft groove. Thanks Lucy :)